
Monday, April 12, 2010

Karlie Says I Have To...

So Karlie is bothering me to post more, so here it is!

I am training to do a half-marathon in June. Here is the training schedule (the date given is the week that you need to do the miles written):
3 3 3 March 29
3 3 4 April 5
3 4 5 April 12
3 4 6 April 19
4 4 7 April 26
4 5 8 May 3
4 5 9 May 10
5 5 10 May 17
5 5 11 May 24
5 3 (walk) 13.1 May 31

The run is on June 5th. I hope I can make it!

Also, I had a funny story happen today in class. I am not going to use his name, but it is important to know that this student has been known to do drugs, so he is always acting kind of strange. Also, he is very into religion and the bible, so I constantly have to ask him to keep the religion out of the classroom!

On Mondays, I usually let my students tell about their weekends. Well, whenever this student raises his hand, I always am nervous as to what he is going to say. He raised his hand and I called on him. He then, with a huge grin states, "My dog ate chocolate. Then, my Dad and I gave it peroxide to get it to throw up. His name is Chester and I blessed him"
The whole class started busting up laughing!

Anyways, I thought I'd share that for Karlie!


  1. THANKS CASS! This made my day to see that my sister listens to me! love you tons and keep more posts coming...karlie

  2. Poor dog! I think the peroxide would be much more damaging than some chocolate. Ouch. Good luck with your run coming up, we are way impressed. Have you always enjoyed running? I just can't get into that.

  3. I HATE running!
    At least my student blessed the dog, after giving him peroxide, to have a "long and enjoyable life"

  4. You're awesome for doing the half! I bet we finish the same time (with me walking the 10K because I'll be so slow!) Thats a funny story about the kid. You always have the funniest stories about your students. You should write a book about them. It'd be pretty funny to read!

  5. Thank goodness for Karlie! love the post and your stories. Your favorite mother-in-law.
