
Saturday, August 1, 2009

Mike's Story

I just got home from running, and checked my email. Mike had left a little earlier to go study. This is what it said (it was from Mike):

You are not going to believe what just happened to me. I rode the motorcycle to school like any other day (except some pebble sized object struck me in the chest while I was on Zuck) and it was a beautiful morning. I parked the bike, walked in and chatted with the security guard for a minute. Then while I was on my way to the library, I heard this really strange sound. It sounded like a gnat flapping its tiny wings, except a little bit louder. And I could only hear it out of my left ear. I stopped and listened to the sound for a few moments, and it stopped. So I started walking again, and I heard the sound again. It was so loud that I thought that I might have a bug in my ear trying to escape. So I reached my pinky in my ear and tried to feel around for anything, but nothing was there. After a few moments the sound stopped again. This pattern continued for a while (I would take a few steps, hear the sound, then when I stopped the sound would cease). Finally I noticed that whenever I brought my watch near my left ear I could hear the sound very loudly. So I started to take off my watch to investigate, when I felt a very sharp pain near my armpit. Then I felt it again and again and again. Without thinking I whipped off my shirt and flung it on the ground and stomped on it a couple of times. I peeled apart the two layers of shirts and there was the BIGGEST bumble bee you've ever seen. It was at least the size of my thumb, and black and hairy. And it stung me at least 4-5 times. Holy Cow!

Can you imagine Mike throwing off his shirts and jumping on them! I wish I could have seen the expressions of the people around him! HaHa


  1. holy cow! I had this happen to me in high school during band camp! I bee (actually i think it was a hornet) flew up my sleeve! I didn't whip my shirt off--that would have been a scene! I hope Mike's okay!

  2. Hilarious! I am with Cassidy, I would have bought tickets to see that. Sorry Mike, but it is funny in a retrospective, glad nothing worse happened kind of way. : )
