
Saturday, January 30, 2010

I LOVE being a teacher!

My students took a test this past Thursday. This test gives me an idea of how they'll do on the state testing in April, so it is very important that they do well. I gave all my classes goals for how well they should do, and as a reward they would get a party on Friday. They all made it! I was so proud!

The best part was that two of my classes brought in Guitar Hero for the party, and I got to play! They were so impressed by my expert level! Sometimes I feel like an 8th grader myself...

I also had some students make me a cookie. It has an 'L' in it, and was HUGE!! I like to think that I am their favorite :)!

It is FREEZING!!! Sometimes I find myself dreaming of living in California....


  1. I love that you are posting more!!! I bet you are the most fun teacher ever!!! I also dream of living in Cali.... wouldn't it be nice to not be freezing all the time? Well I love ya!!

  2. I am sure that you are their favorite. I love that you got to show off your guitar hero skills!
